Are you planning on getting dental implants? Have you ever considered what the procedure might entail? There are two current trends that are used in implant dentistry: osteotomy sizing and crestal implant placement. To learn more, keep reading this blog post.
Osteotomy Sizing
Implant dentistry is now inclined towards more immediate torque at the time of placement. This is done with the help of tapered bodies, which have deeper threads or ‘fins’ on the body of the implant. Depending on the bone density, this design will undersize the osteotomy, making sure that it engages better with the threads into the boney walls.
Crestal Dental Implant Placement
Crestal implant placement came about when implant dentistry started to favor a more subcrestal implant placement. This placement is also preferable because it offers platform switching, better ‘sealed’ connections, and surface treatment, leading up to the top of the dental implants. Theoretically speaking, these principles should also result in less crestal bone loss.
What Happens Next?
The procedures described above will lead to the dental implant being 1 mm below the bone. There will likely also be a ‘lip’ of bone hanging over the restorative platform. This might not be noticeable when the cover screw is being placed. However, it can become a nuisance when healing abutments or final restorative components need to be placed.
The solution to this problem is to manage the bone around the platform of the implant. The most efficient way to do this is by using a bone profiler. The bone profiler should be custom-made for each implant platform to prevent the restorative connection or head of the implant from becoming deformed. Moreover, the main purpose of the profiler is for it to fit into the well of the implant. It also has ‘teeth’ that will profile away the bone that is around the platform of the implant.
There are many companies out there that make bone profilers in two separate pieces. One piece is responsible for screwing into the implant to protect it. The other piece, on the other hand, is designed to go over and around the protection piece. Even though they work very well, some dentists might find them to be clumsy and time-consuming. By removing this bone, the healing abutment or restorative components will likely become fully seated.
Keep this information in mind to mentally prepare yourself for your dental implant procedure. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to consult your dentist in Kingsville.
At Kingsville Family Dental, we offer Free Consultations for Dental Implants as well as other procedures such as Invisalign, extractions, wisdom teeth, fillings, root canals, emergencies, cracked or chipped teeth, cosmetic dentistry, and more.
If you are interested in getting dental implants from an implants dentist in Kingsville, feel free to call for a Free Consultation or to schedule your initial appointment. You can schedule your appointment by calling Kingsville Family Dental at (519) 916-0151. Our team will be glad to help you find the best time possible for your first appointment!
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